Get Through One of the Most Stressful Days in My Life

Dear Dr. Monica,

I thought you might like an update on Max. We did take Max to swim in the lake last Tuesday afternoon, just like he wanted, and he swam until he wore himself out. Was fun for all of us, but especially him.

Yesterday was his scheduled surgery. His chest x-ray results came back clean, a good sign, and we authorized his surgery to proceed.

Max’s abdominal surgery lasted almost 1 1/2 hours, a long time. The doctor removed a solid, hard mass the size of a large baseball from his belly area. We will know within one week the pathology results, but the doctor feels good about things. Dr. “B”, the Vet, is so proud of Max. He’s been a good patient of his for a few years now.

Max has an incision maybe 6″ long that should heal very quickly. He is due to have his stitches taken out in a week and a half, then can start swimming again right after that.

We’re hopeful that the removal of this growth will help to relieve the “pressure” and “nausea” that Max had been feeling for some time and that he will start to improve soon.

We’re also starting Max on a daily dose of medicine that should help with his “old bones”.

Thanks so much, Dr. Monica, for sharing with me on Tuesday morning.

His words, through you, brought me great comfort and an understanding about what is important to Max, and also helped me to get through one of the most stressful days in my life yesterday.

With much appreciation and gratitude,

Kimberlee Ciccone
Coeur D’Alene, ID 83814
June 21, 2007

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