Hello Dr. Monica, Thank you. I found your communication with my pet to be completely clear, accurate and true to who she is, as I know her. I am touched to have shared this with you and appreciate the sensitivity and gentleness that you bring to your work. It is quite a commitment to do the work you are doing … Continue reading
Dr. Monica
Dear Monica: I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the reading. I know that many birds at once (especially my nuts!) must have been a challenge. There are a couple of things I have been meaning to share with you. The first time you read Dion I had rescued him just weeks before, he shared with … Continue reading
Dear Dr. Monica, You have been so helpful to so many! I just wanted to thank you for sharing your gift! I first met you about 3 years ago with my little girl, Eva. Since then, I have read your books, taken one of your courses on healing, met with you a second time with Eva & Spencer (see picture … Continue reading
Dr Monica, I wanted to thank you for talking with me and my horses on Saturday. We are very happy to have met you, and can not wait to see you again. Echo will be going in asap for his chiropractic care with Dr. De Grasse and hopefully we can correct the migraine issue and make his back pain go … Continue reading
Dear Dr. Monica, I thought you might like an update on Max. We did take Max to swim in the lake last Tuesday afternoon, just like he wanted, and he swam until he wore himself out. Was fun for all of us, but especially him. Yesterday was his scheduled surgery. His chest x-ray results came back clean, a good sign, … Continue reading
Dr.Monica Diedrich, Sorry for my bad English. Thank you for your email and thank you very much for your answers to my extra questions. I am a lucky person to have met you. You and your notes are make me happy. I follow your words and I will work to my family. You teach me that I should have a … Continue reading
You can also view/print a PDF file of even more testimonials, stories, and case studies from Dr. Monica’s files by clicking here. … Continue reading