At the request of her guardian I went to see Angel, a 2 year old female Rhodesian Ridgeback mixed breed. She had been rescued from the shelter and Mom was very concerned about her behavior. Angel would spend most of her day in the bedroom hidden away in a corner, lying on top of her mat. She’d seldom come out, … Continue reading
Dr. Monica
Ann called me in to talk to her two year old female dog, a Great Pyrinee named Shadow. Shadow didn’t enjoy going to visit different people or places anymore. When they did go out for a visit, she would start whining and pawing at her “Mom” right away and Ann would be forced to leave, cutting the visit short. Ann … Continue reading
Michelle called me early one Saturday morning and said that it was urgent I talk with her cat who was very short of breath, and probably wouldn’t make it through the day. She needed to ask a lot of questions and was willing to drive a long way to see me. Jessie was very quiet and talked very slowly but … Continue reading
Dear Monica, Thank you so very much for your help with Jordan. It was very gratifying to learn that I was pretty much on target about what was best for me and Mijo. Your confirmation encourages and assures me to listen to my intuition and just TRUST that the information is for our highest good. Most importantly, your time with … Continue reading
Hi Monica, You came and gave a reading to both my dogs, Shadow (a black lab/shep/chow) and Ruby (a Jack Russell Terrier) a couple of months ago. I just wanted to say thank you. You were very accurate, and some things have been better. Shadow, even though we said that he was already very affectionate, seems to be more so … Continue reading
Dear Monica, I wanted to thank you so much for making the long trip and coming over so quickly! It was so great to meet you! I thought you might be interested to know the results of your work. For two hours after you left, I really seriously reflected on what to do!! Every time I looked at that sweet … Continue reading
Dear Dr. Monica, Thank you so very much for e-mailing me your notes from your reading with Tigger, Sassy, and Anna. I also wanted you to know the changes I saw in them after the reading. Not more than 10 minutes after I got off of the phone with you last Friday, I noticed Anna was eating some cat grass … Continue reading
I just wanted to thank you for the reading. It was amazing to me to realize how Sassy really feels about some of these things…. I had no clue, or all I had were conflicting ones. I’m especially glad to know how much she likes going outside and that she wants the barricades and pads gone as much as I … Continue reading
Hi Monica, I just wanted to give you an update on two of my cats for whom you did consultations shortly after Christmas. Sneakers, my lovely long haired tabby was being attacked for years by all of the other cats in the house, and we had no idea why. You told me you sensed that she was giving off an … Continue reading
Hi Dr. Monica, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you for chatting with Ginger. She’s back to her normal habits and has not done anything outside the box so far at all this week. She seems very happy and even tolerates her “teenage” kitties a little better as well! I know you’ve already had … Continue reading