When my clients request consultations, about half the time they want me to communicate with their pets who are dying or who have already crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. If a beloved pet has passed on, there are certain questions almost everyone wants answered… Where are you? Are you well? Are you happy? Do you have any pain? Based on … Continue reading
Tag Archives: death & dying
Dear Dr. Monica, I wanted you to be the first to know that sweet little Gumbo has made the journey to Heaven. Just like she promised, she gave me a sign that it was her time to go. And just like I promised, I had her in my arms through the end. I can’t thank you enough for everything you … Continue reading
Dear Monica, I meant to write and thank you for the session with Bear and Nathena right after we saw you but it has taken me this long. I just wanted you to know how much the session meant to me and to thank you again for the work that you do. Bear is still in good spirits… the diagnosis … Continue reading
Michelle called me early one Saturday morning and said that it was urgent I talk with her cat who was very short of breath, and probably wouldn’t make it through the day. She needed to ask a lot of questions and was willing to drive a long way to see me. Jessie was very quiet and talked very slowly but … Continue reading
Dear Dr. Monica, I reached out to you during a very difficult time in my life as I just lost my companion Sebastian. The loss of Sebastian was unexpected due to cancer and I had a hard time dealing with it. I went to the bookstore to seek answers on how to deal with this and I ran across your … Continue reading