Dear Dr. Monica: I am not sure if you remember me – Molly Lisa our golden girl passed and you helped us find so much comfort and peace in dealing with her passing. I don’t know if you remember when you spoke with us on the phone and my Husband asked you to tell Molly to have a dog come up … Continue reading
Category Archives: Testimonials
Dear Dr. Monica. I would like to thank you so much for the reading you did for my beloved Rokki 2 years ago. I should have sent you a thank you note much earlier to report to you that my Rokki did return to us last year! After the 1st anniversary of Rokki’s passing, I stopped giving offerings to Rokki’s … Continue reading
It is always a pleasure Dr. Monica. You are the best communicator with animals that I have ever encountered. I so appreciate you and the obvious love that you express in your work. Thank you for keeping your fees affordable. And being approachable. I remember in one of your past books you used one of the stories of my little … Continue reading
Dear Dr. Monica, I wanted you to be the first to know that sweet little Gumbo has made the journey to Heaven. Just like she promised, she gave me a sign that it was her time to go. And just like I promised, I had her in my arms through the end. I can’t thank you enough for everything you … Continue reading
From: Dr. Monica Diedrich Subject: I put you at the top of my list Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 10:36:58 Dear Pat: I hope you’re able to see this e-mail this morning. I have a busy day but I have been able to talk with Hanna because I got your e-mail yesterday as well as your check today. Because of … Continue reading
Dear Dr. Monica, First, I send you my warmest regards. I hope you’re keeping well. Second, I send you my sincerest thanks. You have been a wonderful help. As I write this e-mail, I have all seven of my “children” sleeping on or around my feet. From the largest to the smallest. From the oldest to the newest (including Sebastian!). … Continue reading
Hello Dr. Monica, My name is Bill Ashcraft. We met last night at Wiskers in Belmont Shore. We had two dogs (Maddie and Julie) and a picture of our deceased dog, Lizzette. I just wanted you to know how extremely impressed I was with you. I felt struck by what I perceived in you as a “purity of spirit.” I … Continue reading
Dear Monica, I meant to write and thank you for the session with Bear and Nathena right after we saw you but it has taken me this long. I just wanted you to know how much the session meant to me and to thank you again for the work that you do. Bear is still in good spirits… the diagnosis … Continue reading
Dear Monica, Thank you so very much for your help with Jordan. It was very gratifying to learn that I was pretty much on target about what was best for me and Mijo. Your confirmation encourages and assures me to listen to my intuition and just TRUST that the information is for our highest good. Most importantly, your time with … Continue reading
Hi Monica, You came and gave a reading to both my dogs, Shadow (a black lab/shep/chow) and Ruby (a Jack Russell Terrier) a couple of months ago. I just wanted to say thank you. You were very accurate, and some things have been better. Shadow, even though we said that he was already very affectionate, seems to be more so … Continue reading