The Woman from Japan and the Airship

Dr.Monica Diedrich,

Sorry for my bad English.
Thank you for your email and thank you very much for your answers to my extra questions.
I am a lucky person to have met you. You and your notes are make me happy.
I follow your words and I will work to my family.
You teach me that I should have a brave soul. I really want to be so.

Thank you for your answers to all of our cats. I will care of them, especially Coo’s health. And I really like the story that Com shows me the sign when he will be around me.

Actually, I read your notes during taking lunch today.
After I had read the story of the sign thing and I looked outside, then I could see two airships in the distant sky. The airship means lucky sign for me. I love airship and I have called it “the ship to the heaven” from when I was child.

One day I saw airplane in the sky from my house. I held all of our cats and said “That’s my favorite thing, it is called airship”. I believe Com remember this because he showed me the sign today. He always helps me.

I think you gave me wonderful life. Thank you very much, Dr. Monica. I’m looking forward to meeting you on next email consultations. I want you to watch about our cats again and also watch the dog which my parents kept before. He died 18 months ago by terrible accident. I don’t have courage to know the truth yet but I will ask you someday.

Thank you very much for your big love.
I love you tons!

Kazue Obara
JAPAN – May, 2007

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