
My name is Pam Murasko, and I had the immense pleasure to meet and talk with you this past Saturday.  I know you can’t remember us all.  My only identifying mark for you would be that I believe I was the only one from Big Bear and the only one who brought a pic, not my actual Goldie.



I came to the session with expectations of a wonderful day. I left feeling awed, emotionally drained (in a GOOD way!) and a wonderful feeling of peace. Your gift is remarkable. The energy in the room was palpable. I have shared the stories with so many friends, who now are dying to meet you!!!

Thank you for your clarity on my beloved Goldie. I have been keeping an eye on her ADD ;-)friend, Mollie.  I came home and was able to hold Goldie’s face, look in her eyes, and tell her that I UNDERSTAND.

You make me smile when I think of your joy and energy.  So, so glad I got to meet you and hope to be back when you come to Idyllwild again.

Keep up the incredible work.

With much respect and fondness,
Pam and Goldie
Big Bear, CA

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