Two Months to Live

Dear Monica,
I meant to write and thank you for the session with Bear and Nathena right after we saw you but it has taken me this long. I just wanted you to know how much the session meant to me and to thank you again for the work that you do.

Bear is still in good spirits… the diagnosis was that she had two months to live, and two months later she’s still going strong. I continue to talk with her and love her on an “every moment” basis with the lovely addition of having heard her funny, illuminated “voice” through you. It has added so much to my understanding and love of both her and Nathena. Everyone I’ve told about the session with you has been fascinated and charmed and completely curious. I wish you the best in all your work– it truly was a gift for me to experience.

Many regards.
Nickki from California, 11-7-2005

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